Sep 29, 2022
Are you scared of being “ordinary”? — as if that relegates you to the dull, low-achieving, not-living-life-to-the full bucket.
Or maybe you’re afraid of failing, so you only do things you’re already good at. You’d love to take more risks, but only if you don’t look bad.
Or maybe you’re scared of really...
Sep 15, 2022
You’re someone who holds yourself to ridiculously high standards, and there’s a weird sort of pride in that. You’re known for going the extra mile. It’s helped to make you successful.
What happens when the ideals that you hold yourself to become unsustainable? How do you reconcile the very human feelings...
Sep 1, 2022
Do you ever notice that you’re completely clenched up? As in, your neck has gone missing. Your jaw is a vice grip.
What IS it about the neck and jaw area? And I’m curious if this part of the body might be particularly “clenchy” for people with tendencies towards perfectionism and people pleasing.
Is this area a...