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Enough, the Podcast

Feb 24, 2022

Do you have the next-ies? Erm, the what?

Say you’ve just aced a work project, and instead of pausing and reflecting how well you did, you’re already onto the next thing.

Or you’ve just published a book. And you’re already outlining the next book, feeling flat that this one wasn’t an overnight New York Times best-seller. THIS one will be, for sure.

The inability to feel that anything you’ve achieved is enough, or is worth celebrating, is its own special kind of hell.

In this short, radically practical solo episode, you’ll learn why you might be a next-er (spoiler alert: It’s a neurotransmitter), and 3 things you can try to alleviate that chronic feeling of never quite arriving.

I’m experimenting right alongside you. Hit play. Let’s go.


Dan Lieberman’s book:


BJ Fogg on Ted:


Suzy Reading’s new book: