May 5, 2022
This episode is for anyone who manages their image during intimate moments. Maybe you aren’t fully in your body. Or you’re more concerned about being good enough (sexy enough, skilled enough…) than you are about dropping into true (often messy and unpredictable) intimacy.
The “I must perform and be good at everything I do” includes sex and intimacy for overachievers and perfectionists.
Today’s guest is Catherine Topham Sly, a coach and therapist. She says, ‘Good sex is not a performance.’
You’ll learn about why so many of us perform intimacy.
You’ll hear Catherine’s definition of sex (game changer!)
You’ll learn why it’s so challenging to be in our bodies, and what you can do about it.
You’ll get ideas on how to rekindle some ooh-la-la if sex has become an item on your to-do list.
Tender, thought-provoking and practical.
Join us!
Catherine’s website:
Catherine on Instagram:
Not mentioned, but a great read: Esther Perel and Mary Alice Miller article